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The New Normal: Supplement Industry Growth Outpaces Pre-Pandemic Projections
Supplement Market Rebounds with 4.4% Growth
Global Supplement Business Report 2022
Global Supplement Business Report 2022
Global Supplement Business Report 2022
Global Supplement Business Report 2022
Global Supplement Business Report 2022
Global Supplement Business Report 2022
Global Supplement Business Report 2022
Global Supplement Business Report 2022
Global Supplement Business Report 2022
Global Supplement Business Report 2022
Global Supplement Business Report 2022
Global Supplement Business Report 2022

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Global Supplement Business Report 2022

Understand the dynamics behind which supplements are selling where around the world.

Global supplement sales grew 6.7% to $168.96 billion last year. 2022 isn’t looking like the market correction that might typically follow strong back-to-back years, with NBJ forecasting $176.17 billion for this year. This report's commentary and analysis incorporates views across regional GDPs and impacts of inflation following the COVID-boom.

The best growth for 2022 will be seen in Latin America, Africa and the Middle East, with Latin America standing out as a large and important market. The biggest post-pandemic corrections are expected in the US, Europe and Mexico. The global market, obviously, is a conglomeration of many markets, each facing a different selection of forces - from war to inflation to recession.

In the Global Supplement Business Report, we bring each region's current events into the commentary and provide a guidebook for any business looking to expand in a global market that's on target to approach $200 billion by 2025.

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101 Market Sizing Charts

14 Global Companies Profiles

22 Countries & Regions Tracked

Raw Data + PPT Slides

Sales data and growth forecasts through 2025 for 22 countries and regions

Table of Contents

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Executive Overview



Asia/Japan and all others

Australia/New Zealand

Europe and Russia

Latin America

Middle East and Africa

United States and Canada

Company Profiles

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